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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Slash \Slash\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Slashed; p. pr. & vb. n. Slashing.] [OE. slaschen, of uncertain origin; cf. OF. esclachier to break, esclechier, esclichier, to break, and E. slate, slice, slit, v. t.]

  1. To cut by striking violently and at random; to cut in long slits.

  2. To lash; to ply the whip to. [R.]

  3. To crack or snap, as a whip. [R.]
    --Dr. H. More.


n. 1 The action of something that slashes. 2 (context forestry in the plural English) slash (qualifier: woody debris) vb. (present participle of slash English)


adj. as if striking with slashing blows; "his slashing demon-ridden cadenza"

Slashing (ice hockey)

Slashing in ice hockey is a penalty called when an offending player swings their hockey stick at an opposing player, regardless of contact, or breaks an opposing player's stick with their own. Such a penalty may range from a minor penalty to a match penalty, depending on the seriousness of the injury to the opposing player.

Non-aggressive stick contact to the pant or front of the shin pads should not be penalized as slashing. Any forceful or powerful chop with the stick on an opponent’s body, the opponent’s stick, or on or near the opponent’s hands that, in the judgment of the Referee, is not an attempt to play the puck, shall be penalized as slashing.

Slashing (crime)

Slashing is a crime intended to cause bodily harm to a victim. A slashing is typically performed with a knife or other type of bladed or sharp object.

Usage examples of "slashing".

Forin and his men ran left and right, opening a gap through which a ballista could send its murderous ammunition slashing into the Daroth ranks.

She laughed at him instead and turned to look for Benito Barranca, who came stalking through the ruins, red knife slashing, cutting down people trying to escape.

Hector kept on ranging, battling ranks on ranks, slashing his spear and sword and flinging heavy rocks but he stayed clear of attacking Ajax man-to-man.

Kilovin jumped out, slashing many Blader heads off, while Haro took many shots with his bow, all hitting the side of a blader.

Vince grab the passing seabird by its feet and brandish it at his attacker he would never know, but the struggling penguin was understandably miffed at finding itself faced with what appeared to be a giant rival penguin, and started viciously slashing at Stevens with the sides of its razor-sharp beak.

He stepped in, slashing overhand with the blade, and her arm rang to the joint as she slapped the blade away on the fiat.

The wreck was a vessel about forty meters long, rolling heavily, and as we closed I could distinguish a group of figures along her rail hacking and slashing at the cordage which still held her masts floating overside, pounding against her hull.

He did not notice Reynolds doubling and tripling his efforts, clawing, thrashing, slashing and pounding at Saul like some maddened, overwound clockwork toy.

Ryan reached for his panga, dragging his oar in nearer to the boat and slashing at the loops of the weed.

Still clutching his sword, Kluge staggered out of the great hall, hacking and slashing at the mailed men in red surcoats, who had made short work of his punker vanguard and now were slowly gaining the edge on his black knights as well.

In rode Jeanne, striking hard with the flat of her sword, De Rais at her side slashing brutally, offering no quarter to those who flung down their arms.

One of its forelimbs came through the thick cloak of fur, four-fingered paw raised, slashing retractile claws extended, reaching out almost playfully.

Celtic infantry met, the screams of skewered men and disemboweled horses, and then a melee of combat, the senior tribune slashing with his spatha as he kicked his horse toward Arden.

The horse gave the Roman army the mobility to meet fast-moving barbarian raiding parties, and the height of a horse meant that the short stabbing gladius sword was gradually eclipsed by longer slashing swords, eventually evolving from the cavalry spatha of Galba to Excalibur-type weapons.

This time, when they pull on the door, it swings wide, and I lunge like a fencer, stabbing the chisel point into the mouth of the nearest guard, splintering his teeth and slashing sideways to part his cheek back to the hinge of his jaw.