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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Slam-bang \Slam"-bang`\, adv. With great violence; with a slamming or banging noise.


a. 1 (context onomatopoeia English) Noisy, raucous. 2 Violent, forceful 3 impressive, exciting. adv. Shot or hit with a noise n. (context onomatopoeia English) Noisy activity.

  1. adj. violent and sudden and noisy; "a slam-bang collision"

  2. adv. in a careless or reckless manner; "the shelves were put up slapdash" [syn: slapdash]

  3. with heedless speed; "yachts ran slap-bang into the convoy at 15 knots an hour"

  4. in a violent or sudden or noisy manner; "the pans fell slam-bang and woke the whole house" [syn: slap-bang]