vb. (context archaic English) (en-past of: slay)
Sláine is a comic hero published for the first time in British magazine 2000 AD.
Sláine is a barbarian fantasy adventure series based on Celtic myths and stories which first appeared in 1983, written by Pat Mills and initially drawn by his then wife, Angela Kincaid. Most of the early stories were drawn by Massimo Belardinelli and Mike McMahon. Other notable artists to have worked on the character include Glenn Fabry and Simon Bisley. The current artist is Simon Davis.
Sláine's favourite weapon is an axe called "Brainbiter". He has the power of the "warp spasm", based on the ríastrad or body-distorting battle frenzy of the Irish hero Cú Chulainn, in which earth power "warps" through his body, turning him into a terrifying, monstrously powerful figure. He is a devotee of the earth goddess Danu.
Sláine or Slaine is an Irish given name. Notable persons and characters with this name include:
- Sláine ingen Briain (fl. 1014), daughter of Brian Boru and wife of Sigtrygg, king of Dublin
- Sláine mac Dela of the Fir Bolg, the first legendary High King of Ireland
Sláine (comics), comic book hero inspired by Celtic mythology
- Sláine: The Roleplaying Game of Celtic Heroes, role-playing game based on the setting
- Slaine (rapper), hiphop MC from Boston
George Carroll, better known as Slaine, is an American hip hop MC and actor.
Usage examples of "slaine".
He demaunded why we went further with our Boate, I tolde him, in that I would have occasion to talke of the backe Sea, that on the other side the maine, where was salt water, my father had a childe slaine, which we supposed Monocan his enemie, whose death we intended to revenge.
And if it had so come to passe that this fearefull maid had beene slaine by him, what danger had we beene in?
And after her came an old woman in ragged robes, crying and howling likewise : and they brought with them the Olive boughs wherewith the three slaine bodies were covered on the Beere, and cried out in this manner : O right Judges, we pray by the justice and humanity which is in you, to have mercy upon these slaine persons, and succour our Widowhood and losse of our deare husbands, and especially this poore infant, who is now an Orphan, and deprived of all good fortune : and execute your justice by order and law, upon the bloud of this Theefe, who is the occasion of all our sorrowes.
Howbeit I had no time then to rest my selfe, for the Mother of the boy, weeping and lamenting for his death, attired in mourning vesture, tare her haire and beat her breast, and came presently into the stable, saying, Is it reason that this carelesse beast should do nothing all day but hold his head in the manger, filling and belling his guts with meat without compassion of my great miserie, or remembrance of the pittiful death of his slaine Master : and contemning my age and infirmity, thinketh that I am unable to revenge his mischiefs, moreover he would perswade me, that he were not culpable.
When the time of her delivery came, it fortuned that she had a daughter, whom she would not suffer to be slaine, by reason of the naturall affection which she hare unto her child, but secretly committed her to one of her neighbours to nurse.
Thus when I was pleasantly mocked and taunted by Fotis, I sayd unto her, verily now may I for this atcheived enterprise be numbered as Hercules, who by his valiant prowesse performed the twelve notable Labors, as Gerion with three bodies, and as Cerberus with three heads, for I have slaine three blown goat skinnes.
After good deliberation, hee began to describe me the countreys beyond the Falles, with many of the rest, confirming what not only Opechancanoyes, and an Indian which had been prisoner to Pewhatan had before tolde mee, but some called it five days, some sixe, some eight, where the sayde water dashed amongst many stones and rocks, each storme which caused oft tymes the heade of the River to bee brackish: Anchanachuck he described to bee the people that had slaine my brother, whose death hee would revenge.
That was why the cavalry camp, in the lands of the Slaine Clan, between Tara and Lagore, was enlarged just in time to begin to house some four hundred galloglaiches out of the Scottish Western Islesan identical breed to Bass's original squadron, but these newcomers fighting afoot, with matchlock calivers, pikes, axes, and greatswords.
When they came to the slaine body of Lepolemus, Charites threw her selfe upon him weeping and lamenting grievously for his death, in such sort, that she would have presently ended her life, upon the corps of her slaine husband, whom shee so entirely loved, had it not beene that her parents and friends did comfort her, and pulled her away.
Smith little dreaming of that accident, being got to the marshes at the river's head, twentie myles in the desert, had his two men slaine (as is supposed) sleeping by the Canowe, whilst himselfe by fowling sought them victuall, who finding he was beset with 200 Salvages, two of them hee slew, still defending himself with the ayd of a Salvage his guide, whom he bound to his arme with his garters, and used him as a buckler, yet he was shot in his thigh a little, and had many arrowes stucke in his cloathes but no great hurt, till at last they tooke him prisoner.
For that same Brute, whom much he did aduaunceIn all his speach, was Syluius his sonne,Whom hauing slaine, through luckles arrowes gla&utilde.
Her piteous words might not abate his rage,But rudely rending vp his helmet, wouldHaue slaine him straight: but when he sees his age,And hoarie head of Archimago old,His hastie hand he doth amazed hold,And halfe ashamed, wondred at the sight:For the old man well knew he, though vntold,In charmes and magicke to haue wondrous might,Ne euer wont in field, ne in round lists to fight.
Then trembling yet through feare, the Squire bespake,That Geauntesse Argante is behight,A daughter of the Titans which did makeWarre against heauen, and heaped hils on hight,To scale the skyes, and put Ioue from his right:Her sire Typhoeus was, who mad through merth,And drunke with bloud of men, slaine by his might,Through incest, her of his owne mother EarthWhilome begot, being but halfe twin of that berth.
Then the men of the towne called in their dogs, and took me and bound mee to the staple of a post, and scourged me with a great knotted whip till I was well nigh dead, and they would undoubtedly have slaine me, had it not come to passe, that what with the paine of their beating, and the greene hearbes that lay in my guts, I caught such a laske that I all besprinkled their faces with my liquid dung, and enforced them to leave off.
Smith little dreaming of that accident, being got to the marshes at the river's head, 20 miles in the desert, had his 2 men slaine (as is supposed) sleeping by the Canowe, whilst himselfe by fowling sought them victual, who finding he was beset by 200 Salvages, 2 of them he slew, stil defending himselfe with the aid of a Salvage his guid (whome bee bound to his arme and used as his buckler), till at last slipping into a bogmire they tooke him prisoner: when this news came to the fort much was their sorrow for his losse, fewe expecting what ensued.