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n. (plural of slab English)

Usage examples of "slabs".

The interior surfaces were adorned all over by mosaics or paintings in the higher parts of the edifice, and below with incrustations of marble slabs, which were frequently of very beautiful varieties, and disposed so that, although in one surface, the colouring formed a series of large panels.

As he walked slowly about it suddenly occurred to Willett that both the noise and the odour seemed strongest above the oddly pierced slabs, as if they might be crude trap-doors leading down to some still deeper region of horror.

Ten shafts lined with slabs of tufa which were there found may have been the approaches to tombs or may have served as wells.

They were just beyond what probably would have been the far edge of the development, seven slabs eight to ten feet high, clearly visible now as the jeep bore down on them.

Lesko thought rather wryly, the slabs might have struck them as being a possible selling point.

He bumped the jeep to a point about ten feet downrange from the slabs, put the emergency brake on, and shut off the engine.

Hubbs was already near the slabs, kneeling, inspecting them with enthusiasm.

Unable to find a secure passage down, hi veered westward, a moving target framed by clear sky, with th shod horses slipping and scrambling over the weather-strippei slabs of worn bedrock.

They wrestled cruel doubt, allowing the horses to pick their own way down the seamed slabs of the mountain.

The boys usually sat on seats, slabs on blocks of wood, along the wall at the far end of the room, which was comfortable, for they had a rest for their backs.

Rather, he ranged around the base of the mound, knocking at slabs of stone and shoving aside shrubby stumps of plants with the butt of his knife.

The people in the projection room instinctively shifted their eyes from the upper monitor, in which an eccentric laser diamond trembled just above the sun, to the main screen, where a constant, unpulsed beam of power stripped fractured layers, slabs, snow-white floes from the circle of ice.

With her jaw clenched, she plunged after him, avoiding direct contact with the slabs, and keeping her eyes to the floor.

She backed away until she bumped into another of the horrible slabs behind her.

She could see a row of slabs through the open doorway from where she sat in an anteroom.