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n. The kidnapping of the passengers of an airplane by threat of force. The hijacking an airplane, especially in flight. vb. (present participle of skyjack English)

Usage examples of "skyjacking".

If Hel has to be terminated to assure the success of the Septembrists skyjacking then, yes, I shall take some personal satisfaction in that.

It will be their task to make sure they are unmolested in their skyjacking of the Montreal plane.

Cobb and Brick Bates watched the thwarted skyjacking on the late news.

Younis not only boasted of his role in the Royal Jordanian skyjacking but also his part in the TWA one in which a US Navy diver died.

Eritrean revolutionaries succeeded in skyjacking an El Al 747 en route from New York to Tel Aviv.

From there he went to Dallas, then Denver, where he won an Emmy covering a skyjacking, and then to the New York local CBS affiliate, where he won another Emmy for investigative reporting.