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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Skurry \Skur"ry\, n. & v. See Scurry.


n. (alternative form of scurry English) vb. (alternative form of scurry English)

Usage examples of "skurry".

How quiet they are now that we have stopped moving, but as soon as we go on the hurry and skurry will break out afresh!

But this was the time of day when Dippy liked specially to prance and jump and skurry after dusky, shadowy, flitting things, so before Marian could pounce upon him, he was off and away like a streak and could not be found.

The chairman pleaded and argued, but, deaf to all entreaty, men plowed their way through the throng and rained checks of gold coin into the cart and skurried away for more.

They skurried this way and that, down for bedding, up for firewood, and while they were at it, who should appear but John and Michael.

He plucked his red-stained beard and stared meaningly at the Wazuli girl, and that wench rose and skurried out without delay.

And away the waggons and carts skurried, steering their course to Ventersdorp.

Quickly unfastening it, she skurried back to her room with the treasure.

Major Warfield came skurrying home from the mill, grasping his bridle with one hand and holding his hat on with the other.

And from our deck sad eyes looked out Across the stormy scene: The tossing wake of billows aft, The bending forests green, The chickens sheltered under carts In lee of barn the cows, The skurrying swine with straw in mouth, The wild spray from our bows!

And now and again, from out of the darkness on either hand, just under the surface, larger phosphorescent organisms flashed up like electric lights, marking collisions with the careless bonitas skurrying ahead to the good hunting just beyond our bowsprit.

Simon moved aside to let the skurrying nurse into the room with a hypodermic.

Jeremy, in the mean time, was counting up the trunks, while her husband, with his foot upon one of them, and a carpet-bag in his left hand, was loudly denouncing the steamboat, its conductors, and the whole hurrying, skurrying Yankee nation.

Niggeree and the pearl-shells of Collins, and exchanged the provisions which they require for their coming cruise, so that in the transfer, many oaths have been uttered, if not registered amongst the representatives of western culture, and much chattering and skurrying amongst the dusky children of uncultivated Nature, who, with their canoes and the dingies, are still passing between the steamers and the schooners.

When the white puffs cleared from before their eyes they saw four prostrate figures, with the others skurrying panic-stricken in a huddled mass westward, with the prisoners left alone bound to the tree.

I got up I saw two or three black--looking critters, not unlike the devil, skurrying up the trees, with long tails behind them.