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a. (alternative spelling of skull and crossbones English) n. (alternative spelling of skull and crossbones English)

Usage examples of "skull-and-crossbones".

On them are splendid royal and date palms, palmettoes and tamarinds, but occupants have found skull-and-crossbones notices upon these trees, which latterly they have obeyed, influenced thereto by seven mysterious deaths which have occurred in the vicinity.

Retsler usually liked the black and white skull-and-crossbones hanging over the door, the uneven wooden floor, the skulls lining the fireplace mantel, the sound of sea chanties sung with unusual heartiness through the stereo speakers.

With the grimace, his black face and his angled skinny legs, he exactly resembled the skull-and-crossbones on a pirate flag or on the label of a bottle of poison.