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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Skulk \Skulk\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Skulked; p. pr. & vb. n. Skulking.] [Of Scand. origin; cf. Dan. skulke to spare or save one's self, to play the truant, Sw. skolka to be at leisure, to shirk, Icel. skoll

  1. Cf. Scowl.] To hide, or get out of the way, in a sneaking manner; to lie close, or to move in a furtive way; to lurk. ``Want skulks in holes and crevices.''
    --W. C. Bryant.

    Discovered and defeated of your prey, You skulked behind the fence, and sneaked away.


vb. (en-past of: skulk)

Usage examples of "skulked".

The animate darkness had skulked too close to its prey for anything to balk it.

He skulked on, ignoring the hunters who obliviously crossed his path, until he finally spied a familiar figure on a rooftop just ahead of him.

As he skulked along, he listened to hear if the undercreatures were coming closer, but he couldn't tell.

Had the company been forced into flight at the beginning or the end of the workday, their deception might have been given away by the sheer accident of a busy gray dwarf bumping into their invisible chain as they skulked down the street.

He readied the sturdy oaken cudgel he'd brought with him, then skulked forward.

Given a choice, she would once again have skulked up in hopes of remaining undetected, but she felt speed was more important.

An unsmiling couple, man and woman, conversed quietly without moving their lips, then skulked out the door.

A pair of yearling males with scanty manes had skulked that way, but they jumped aside when the old scarred matriarch coughed.

Legs suddenly weak, Amber used her capture staff like a cane to push erect, and the three skulked away.

Meantime, in Oriskonie, the people had driven out the governor appointed by their baron and were savagely righting such loyalists as skulked among them.

How far was I now from the Valley, how long the road I skulked along, I did not know as I lay and licked sore paws.

But as I skulked by a farmhouse, I was startled by a sharp yapping and read in that the warning of a long-domesticated hound-hunter.

I withdrew, skulked apart as the remnants of what had once been a man, watching the going of the beast on the age-old business of the hunt.

I withdrew, skulked apart as the remnants of what had once been a man, watching die going of the beast on the age old business of the hunt.