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n. (misspelling of school English)


Usage examples of "skool".

Wall, we sot thar on the fense, a swingin our feet two and fro, blushin as red as the Baldinsville skool house when it was fust painted, and lookin very simple, I make no doubt.

Toosday nite I peared be4 a C of upturned faces in the Red Skool House.

Ameriky frum the time when the Mayflowers cum over in the Pilgrim and brawt Plymouth Rock with them, but every skool boy nose our kareer has been tremenjis.

The Skool house was lited up in grate stile and the winders was filld with mottoes amung which I notised the follerin--"Trooth smashed to erth shall rize agin--YOU CAN'T STOP HER.

I hope they pay partic'lar 'tention to Spelin in these Skools, because if a man can't Spel wel he's of no 'kount.