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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Skirmish \Skir"mish\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Skirmished; p. pr. & vb. n. Skirmishing.] [OE. skirmishen, scarmishen, OF. escremir, eskermir, to fence, fight, F. escrimer, of German origin; cf. OHG. scirmen to protect, defend, G. schirmen, OHG. scirm, scerm, protection, shield, G. schirm; perhaps akin to Gr. ???? a sunshade. Cf. Scaramouch, Scrimmage.] To fight slightly or in small parties; to engage in a skirmish or skirmishes; to act as skirmishers.


vb. (present participle of skirmish English)

Usage examples of "skirmishing".

Iliffe, as befitted an officer in a skirmishing company, wore a light cavalry saber.

The second men of the allied skirmishing pairs fired, but the voltigeurs were too numerous and their musket fire was almost continuous and the red, green and brown jackets were falling back.

Ahead of the column the sound of the skirmishing grew in intensity as the voltigeurs closed the range and opened on the riflemen with their muskets.

Red-coated and green-jacketed skirmishers ran over the top of the British ridge, then down the long slope where they spread into the skirmishing chain.

There was some skirmishing, small outbreaks of musket fire, the feeling out of two great armies close together.

Own, when that company was advancing in skirmishing order in the face of a hot fire, kept continually encouraging his comrades in both words and action.

Smith ordered an advance of his force, the detachment of the 60th Battalion and the Home Guards advancing in skirmishing order, and the company of Victoria Rifles covering their advance from the slope of the hill.

The Huntingdon Borderers formed the Canadian advance guard, and as soon as they had approached within about 300 yards of the Fenian position, were deployed in skirmishing order, and advanced with great gallantry.

Answer--Principally on the statements of the officers and men who were out skirmishing on the right.

Own were in column, after part of the Thirteenth had gone out in skirmishing order.

The leading company of the column was then sent out to reconnoitre to the left in the direction of these horses, in skirmishing order, supported by the next company.

He then ordered us to advance in skirmishing order through that bush, which we did.

After entering the wheat field I saw the line of the Thirteenth Battalion to my left, below me, in skirmishing order, advancing towards the enemy.

Answer--With the exception of one or two days in May, when the whole battalion were out skirmishing, I am satisfied that half of the men had never fired a shot.

I also wish to state that I saw the right wing of the Thirteenth extend and advance in skirmishing order, and that nothing could exceed the steadiness and regularity with which they advanced.