vb. (context ambitransitive English) (l en retract Retract) (an (l en envelope) of (l en skin) or (l en flesh), or an (l en analogous) protective (l en sheath)).
Usage examples of "skin back".
By the time he had some of his skin back, and was able to walk, the King of Bulgaria was at war with the King of Abaria.
Garion stared in amazement as the man's face relaxed, the muscles seeming to shift under his skin back into their normal positions.
She bound the arrow wound with a plaster of wet leaves and turned to the gash on his breast, smearing it with a pale green paste before she pulled the flap of skin back in place.
Aria kneaded the ointment into the wounds, then forced the skin back over Dennis' bare flesh while he rested his chin on the sloped rim of the tub.