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alt. 1 A long black mark left on a road surface from the sliding or skidding tires of a motor vehicle that has lost traction. 2 Any other mark or stain caused by one surface skidding along another. 3 (context colloquial humorous euphemistic English) A visible feces stain left on underpants, trousers, or sometimes the toilet bowl. n. 1 A long black mark left on a road surface from the sliding or skidding tires of a motor vehicle that has lost traction. 2 Any other mark or stain caused by one surface skidding along another. 3 (context colloquial humorous euphemistic English) A visible feces stain left on underpants, trousers, or sometimes the toilet bowl.

Usage examples of "skidmark".

Patches on the floor, still wet, showed the skidmarks of army boots and told her how much had been spilt, but the most vivid were the sprays splashed over the walls.

The highway itself is colorless and the sides of it look chewed on, and there's litter, and the median strip is dead grass with a whole lot of different tiretracks and skidmarks striping the sod for dozens of miles, as if from the mother of all multivehicle pileups sometime in I-26's past.