n. (plural of skeleton key English)
Usage examples of "skeleton keys".
He had half a dozen skeleton keys, together with four masters the manager of his own hotel had given him -- and not one of them fitted.
Unhurried, he took out a tiny Minox camera, a flashlight and a bunch of skeleton keys.
Using my skeleton keys, I let myself into every dark and empty office.
The craft was white and carried a coat of arms emblazoned on the side-two skeleton keys crossing a shield and papal crown.
While Joshua went to work with his recently purchased assortment of skeleton keys, Logan pulled out a crucifix, a vial of Holy Water and said a quick prayer for all of the dead in the carriage house.
First was the desk, and after a long, minute inspection of the lock he dropped on his knees before it and began trying his skeleton keys.
The count soon heard the rattling of a bunch of skeleton keys, such as the locksmith brings when called to force a lock, and which thieves call nightingales, doubtless from the music of their nightly song when they grind against the bolt.
Lee took a ring of skeleton keys from his pocket and worked them into the lock until one hit and the mechanism gave with a sharp click.