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size up

vb. (context idiomatic English) To evaluate; to estimate or anticipate the magnitude, difficulty, or strength of something.

size up

v. to look at critically or searchingly, or in minute detail; "he scrutinized his likeness in the mirror" [syn: take stock, scrutinize, scrutinise]

Usage examples of "size up".

Now that she had been able to size up the tactical situation concretely, she'd decided speed was the key.

But they're only letting us send two people down to size up the job.

Now that she had been able to size up the tactical situation concretely, she’.

And just at the moment, he was happy that was the case, for it gave him an opportunity to stand back and size up Harrington’.

And just at the moment, he was happy that was the case, for it gave him an opportunity to stand back and size up Harrington's guest.

The local pseudomammalian bat analogs ranged in size up to something like a pterosaur, and five of those rode thermals lazily around the grassland.

In his ability to size up a situation accurately and find a way out of a sticky problem, he is quite like Cacambo.

The Rull ships had flown once over the mountain to size up the situation on the tableland and then had tried to destroy him.

At least give him the chance to learn the terrain and size up his enemy properly.