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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ For some of them, eagerly selling six-packs of beer on street corners, the new Berlin is full of opportunities.

alt. 1 A collection of six of something bundled together, especially six cans. 2 (context bodybuilding English) A highly developed set of abdominal muscles. n. 1 A collection of six of something bundled together, especially six cans. 2 (context bodybuilding English) A highly developed set of abdominal muscles.


n. carton containing six bottles or cans

Usage examples of "six-pack".

Nowadays, she lived with Balboa in a derelict house, and devoted her time to art and scoring, for her addicted beloved, the occasional six-pack of Diet Mecca.

Shorty Wilson, Jerry Grindstaff, Emerson Lapp, and Flossie Devine drove down in a Dancing Trout station wagon, and, while Shorty sat contentedly behind the wheel guzzling a six-pack held in his lap, and teetotaler Jerry G.

I picked my way through the boulder field, Nickles squatted down, pulled on another plastic line, and fished a six-pack of Coors from the stream.

I showed the guard the six-pack of photos I wanted to give Menendez and he told me I would have to show him the pictures through the Plexiglas.

Aboard the Seacraft, which was also rented, Stranahan found an Igloo cooler with two six-packs of Corona and a couple of cheap spinning rods that the killer had brought along just for looks.

We learned Spanglish on the streets, ran with the same gang, and shared Marlboros, six-packs, and the occasional joint.

Tun Goldhorn guided the Coors beer truck to a stop near the store, and while cartons of six-packs, tallboys, and quintos were going into the Rael coolers, along came the Trailways bus.

All the compounds were polycyclic aromatics - carbon atoms in six-packs, twelve-packs, and cases.

Bobby C held up a six-pack of Hefenreffer and waggled it suggestively, like wanting in.

Nancy bought several large bottles of RC Cola, a six-pack of toilet paper, a pack of evil-looking black cigarillos, a bunch of bananas, and a pack of Doublemint chewing gum.

The smaller rocks closer to the water were coated with algae and weeds, and in niches between them Max saw matchbooks, plastic six-pack holders and aluminum pop-tops from soda cans.

To avoid suspicion, we had decided to make it look as if we were a vanload of friends turning up with six-packs of beer and big bags of fun-size Mars bars.

Mary Catherine rummaged around in the cabinet until she found a six-pack of fresh blank videocassettes.

He pulled a beer bottle out of a six-pack on the seat beside him, popped the top, and took a swig.

Kyle drove to the usual spot, a county dumpsite miles west of the city, and there they gulped down the six-packs while plinking bottles, soda cans, and the occasional hapless rat.