The marriage of Shiva and Parvati is celebrated as Sitalsasthi,a major festival of Utkal Brahmins since ages. It was started 400 odd years ago in Sambalpur after the king of Sambalpur brought Utkal Srotriya Vaidika Brahmins from Brahmin sasana villages of Puri district.The localities of Nandapada is oldest seat of these brahmins.They first started Sitalsasti Utsav This Hindu festival is in the form of a carnival.
Where people and artists from different walks of life participate making it more beautiful and bringing out the true colour of life. Every year it is celebrated towards the end of the summer season (sixth day of the bright fortnight of the month of Jyestha), the aim being to call the rain Gods to give reprieve from the scorching heat of the Sun. During the carnival period Sambalpur attracts tourists from nearby states and abroad also.