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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Sistine \Sis"tine\, a.[It. sistino.] Of or pertaining to Pope Sixtus.

Sistine chapel, a chapel in the Vatican at Rome, built by Pope Sixtus IV., and decorated with frescoes by Michael Angelo and others.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1769, literally "pertaining to Pope Sixtus," from Italian sistino, from Sixtus, name of five popes, from Latin sextus "sixth" (see Sextus). The "chapel" is named for Sixtus IV (Francesco della Rovere), pope 1471-84, who had it built. The painting by Raphael known as the Sistine Madonna is so called because it also shows Sixtus II, a 3c. martyr and saint; it is better known now for the two cherubs at the bottom of the picture who by 1900 were well-known in isolation from the rest of the picture in engravings, etc.


Usage examples of "sistine".

Sistine Madonna with the two chubby-cheeked angels at the lower edge, the Pilsudski medal, already mentioned, and the consecrated amulet from Czestochowa beside a photograph of the commander of the Narvik destroyers.

Signorelli, frescos Cathedral Orvieto, Sistine Rome, Palazzo Petrucci Sienna, altar-pieces Arezzo, Cortona, Perugia, pictures Pitti, Uffizi, Berlin, Louvre, Nat.

He had a sudden nightmarish vision of a Sunnite prayer meeting in the Sistine Chapel.

Vatican City, Cardinal Mortati carried another tray of ballots to the Sistine Chapel chimney.

Far away, in Vatican City, Cardinal Mortati carried another tray of ballots to the Sistine Chapel chimney.

I have been here a week, and have seen the Vatican and the Capitoline Museums, and the Sistine Chapel, and St.

Stooping to enter the claustrophobic site, I am suddenly surrounded by a sort of Tibetan Sistine Chapel, painted eleven hundred years ago.

Fulano had described the cave paintings as the Sistine Chapel of paleolithic art.

Over his head, a huge disco ball hung from the ceiling, which was painted in a parody of the Sistine Chapel.

He brought sketches with him, trying to interest her in the works he had projected, but she came alive only when she told him of the special permission she had received to visit the Sistine Chapel and stand before the Last Judgment, and when he spoke of the dome for St.

Sultan, her cat, who could have miauled the Miserere of Allegri at the Sistine Chapel, had filled her heart, and sufficed for the amount of passion which she possessed.

But his dear friend was dead and a new day was being forged in the Sistine Chapel, one that would not include him.

Instead of returning to his Apostolic Apartments, the Pope led his cardinal to a small room off the Sistine Chapel.

And with almost forty of them unable to travel in time to the Conclave, the Sistine Chapel could hold the stalls of those cardinals permanently based on Pacem.

I was reminded of it anew by something you said not long ago, Benita, about the Sistine Chapel.