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Usage examples of "sirop".

He sent an underling to copy the entries from the great ledger and entertained Robert to a sirop from his own cupboard.

La grande, it was called, and as each successive kettle was boiled down it was purified with alum and ash and emptied into the next: le flambeau, la lessive, le sirop, la batterie, every one smaller than the last, a seething inferno of heat and stink and boiling juice.

Tiens, ajouta-t-il en montrant la fiole de sirop, je ne mentais pas, va.

At first the pretty French girls in silk aprons and coquettish caps tried to execute the orders, but soon their trays were seized by enthusiastic young men and the waitresses took refuge behind the marble table beside the Madame and helped to hand out the tempting cakes and bonbons and sorbets and sirops and liqueurs.