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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ The best sirloin steaks are the pin-bone and flat-bone steaks because Of their neat muscle structure.
▪ An excellent sliced sirloin which followed was more familiar.
▪ Boning and muscle-boning of the sirloin gives meaty cuts with a variety of names that confuse the consumer.
▪ For grilling, choose top loin, sirloin, rib eye, Porterhouse or bone steaks.
▪ That particular mouthful amounted to thick slices of boiled sirloin accompanied by a pancake.
▪ The best sirloin steaks are the pin-bone and flat-bone steaks because Of their neat muscle structure.
▪ The Carvery every lunch time serves prime roast sirloin.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Sirloin \Sir"loin`\, n. [A corruption of surloin. Not so called because this cut of beef was once jocosely knighted (dubbed Sir Loin) by an English king, as according to a popular story.] A loin of beef, or a part of a loin. [Written also surloin.]

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

early 15c., surloine, from Middle French surlonge, literally "upper part of the loin," from sur "over, above" (see sur-) + longe "loin," from Old French loigne (see loin).\n

\nEnglish spelling with sir- dates from 1620s, by folk-etymology supposed to be because the cut of beef was "knighted" by an English king for its superiority, a tale variously told of Henry VIII, James I, and Charles II. The story dates to 1655.


n. 1 (US) A cut of beef from the lower part of the back, where the last ribs are (called ''rump'' in UK English). 2 (UK) A cut of beef from the middle of the back (corresponding to ''short loin'' and partly ''rib'' in US English).


n. the portion of the loin (especially of beef) just in front of the rump


Usage examples of "sirloin".

On it were four sirloins, six chicken fricassees, stewed veal, three legs of mutton, and in the middle a fine roast suckling pig, flanked by four chitterlings with sorrel.

The members had been most attentive to him, for on a matter of vital concern he held the crucial vote, and things looked promising until the sirloins were served.

In one hand, she carried a plate mounded with freshly ground sirloin, in the other, a second plate with the rest of the ingredients, and an egg in an egg cup.

Zargoza as he tore his quinella tickets and threw them in the air over his ten-ounce sirloin and vodka tonic.

Then he saw soldiers in brass who held platters containing steaming sirloin steaks and French-fried potatoes, which changed magically to sherbert, iced tea, and waffles with maple syrup.

The corn would be trucked to the cluster of huge grain silos just over the northern horizon and from there railed to feed lots from Nebraska to Missouri, to disappear down the throats of mindless castrated cattle, which would in turn be transformed into big fat marbled sirloins for rich assholes in New York and Tokyo.

Our giants again found their way to the larder, and broke their fast with collops, rashers, carbonados, a shield of brawn and mustard, and a noble sirloin of beef, making sad havoc with the latter, and washing down the viands with copious draughts of humming ale.

The list of offer­ings was incredible: baked salmon steak, Maine lobster, roast sirloin, filet of sole, a whole roster of unobtainables, none of your dreary latter-day soybean clevernesses and seaweed con­fections.

The similar positions of the two bodies, on their sides instead of in the anatomical position, revealed that they had been butchered almost identically, the sirloin and loin removed with neatness and economy along with the small filets that lie beneath the spine.

The idea is that for twenty hours in each twenty-four you ruthlessly starve yourself, but at four selected intervals during the day-for convenience we'll call them breakfast, lunch, dinner, and midnight snack-you feed your body something like an 18-ounce sirloin steak with a baked potato and extra sour cream, or a large bowl of double chocolate fudge ice cream, so that it doesn't realize that you are actually starving it.

The food was excellent--medium-rare sirloins, corn on the cob, okra and tomatoes, creamed scalloped potatoes, a cucumber and onion salad, with a chocolate pudding dessert topped with real whipped cream, not sprayed from a can--and I ate every bit of it, including four hot biscuits with butter (my two, and Berenice's two).

In one hand, she carried a plate mounded with freshly ground sirloin, in the other, a second plate with the rest of the ingredients, and an egg in an egg cup.

Georges was telling me that he saw nothing wrong with my having asked to stop at a Burger King for a snack in lieu of luncheon-that, in his opinion, the giant burger, properly prepared from top sirloin substitute and the chocolate malt made with a minimum of chalk, constitutes California's only contribution to international haute cuisine.

She wanted Thousand Island dressing, sirloin steak rare, baked potato with cheese mixed in, asparagus tips with hollandaise sauce, and a Tom Collins in a tall glass to start everything off.

A roast sirloin of beef has been surrounded with honey-glazed onions and decorated with swirls of candied lemon peel, and the big platter is due to be moved to the dining room and make room at the table for the next dishes.