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siren song

n. (context idiomatic English) An enticing but dangerous appeal, especially a misleading one.

siren song

n. the enticing appeal of something alluring but potentially dangerous; "he succumbed to the siren call of the wilderness" [syn: siren call]

Usage examples of "siren song".

She was, indeed, working her wiles on the centaur, needing no siren song.

Kira sent the information to the Siren Song's first officer and almost instantly received confirmation that the communication origin matched those coordinates.

Since, he had thought of leaving Arnette, searching for something better, but small-town inertia held him the low siren song of familiar places and familiar faces.

The crying of babies drifted through the hallway like a siren song.

The sweet-salty tang stirred some deeply primal part of her and beckoned like siren song to the predator within.