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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Siphonophore \Si*phon"o*phore\, n. (Zo["o]l.) One of the Siphonophora.


n. (context biology English) Any of various transparent marine hydrozoans, of the order Siphonophora, that float or swim as colonies of polyps.


n. a floating or swimming oceanic colony of polyps often transparent or showily colored

Usage examples of "siphonophore".

Beyond two thousand feet, they encountered the world of bizarre sea life known as siphonophore, gelatinous predators that come in all shapes and sizes, some less than an inch long, others that stretch to more than 120 feet.

He brushed a questing siphonophore off his wet-skin, the delicate creature disappearing in a luminous cloud.

The jet-propelled siphonophores had rushed in to partake of the unexpected bounty, and the water was a mass of darting jelly creatures, each intent on getting its share of the feast.

The light beyond dimmed the flashes of light from the dying siphonophores and the water transmitted thunder of battle overwhelmed the delicate creatures' subtle cries of distress.