Sint-Lievens-Houtem (, French Hautem-Saint-Liévin, not officially recognized) is a Dutch-speaking municipality of Belgium. It is located in the Denderstreek and at the edge of the Flemish Ardennes, the hilly southern part of the province of East Flanders ( Flemish Region). Sint-Lievens-Houtem is crossed by the Molenbeek in Vlierzele, Zonnegem and Letterhoutem.
It is named after Saint Livinus (Sint Lieven in Dutch), a Christian saint believed to have been buried there.
The town comprises the former municipalities of Bavegem, Letterhoutem, Sint-Lievens-Houtem proper, Vlierzele, and Zonnegem, and the hamlets of Espenhoek, Cotthem, and Hoogveld, formerly parts of Oombergen.