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a. Very focused; having a single goal, purpose, or idea.

Usage examples of "singleminded".

No doubt you got that way, Nialli Apuilana supposed, when you held the chieftainship for forty years: time made you hard, narrow, singleminded.

THEM: the Patient Trackers, with long thin noses that sniffed - the Singleminded Bloodhounds whose red tongues lolled - the Accusers whose trembling fingers twitched and pointed, twitched and pointed as they came closer, with hands like divining rods and fingers like hazel twigs scenting water.

Preternaturally adult, privy to all their privities, he meditated daily on the raw torrid stuff of married life: the financial anxieties, the moments of sweet undifferentiated lovingness, the moments of guiltily suppressed hatred for the wearisome eternal spouse, the copulatory joys and anguishes, the comings together and the failings apart, the mysteries of failed orgasms and wilted erections, the intense and terrifyingly singleminded concentration on the growth and proper development of The Child.

Singleminded in his original rage, Aygar had launched himself across the Defense table to grapple with Tanegli.