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The Collaborative International Dictionary

single-mindedness \sin"gle-mind"ed*ness\, n. The quality of being single-minded.


n. The property of being single-minded.


n. characterized by one unified purpose

Usage examples of "single-mindedness".

The man was positively outrageous, hellbent on seduction with a single-mindedness that made her fear for her resolve.

His acceptance of, and strict, pious adherence to, the pillars of the Shia faith at such an early age had been a marvel to the older clerics and Ayatollahs who had spent decades obtaining the same levels of single-mindedness and dedication.

With the guilty pleasure comes the realisation that the single-mindedness which normally characterises his approach to work has deserted him.

Without noise or odor to divert his senses, Iss found himself looking with the same single-mindedness of heretics in the Far South, who were pegged out on the desert floor and left for dead.

Lawrence's idea-which he was pusmng with the peculiar force and single-mindedness that made him loved or hated by other scientists-was to produce uranium 235 by separating a stream of ionized molecules of uranium in a magnetic field.