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singing along

vb. (present participle of sing along English)

Usage examples of "singing along".

From the subtle twisting of his commander's mask, Dieter was certain Brasche was singing along with the rest.

Others were singing along to a Karaoke machine and videoing each other.

Another man had distributed tambourines to the congregation, and now they joined in, banging and jingling, and stomping and clapping, and swaying and singing along.

A crowd thronged about the building, singing along with the woman.

If you post yourself quite far away from her and listen, or, still better, put your judgment to the test, whenever she happens to be singing along with others, by trying to identify her voice, you will undoubtedly distinguish nothing but a quite ordinary piping tone, which at most differs a little from the others through being delicate or weak.

She saw her father scowling at her, though he was singing along with the rest of them, and she wondered if he didn't want her - a mere girl -to play men's songs.

She insisted on looking at all his new songs, and played them, singing along halfvoice, although occasionally singing out fully for the ones she particularly liked.

She saw her father scowling at her, though he was singing along with the rest of them, and she wondered if he didn't want her--a mere girl--to play men's songs.

She saw her father scowling at her, though he was singing along with the rest of them, and she wondered if he didn't want her—.

She saw her father scowling at her, though he was singing along with the rest of them, and she wondered if he didn't want her-a mere girl-to play men's songs.

She saw her father scowling at her, though he was singing along with the rest of them, and she wondered if he didn’.

A flekish song of joyous service was being broadcast and the chittering of the thousands singing along filled the hazy air.