Crossword clues for singh
Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary
common surname and middle name in North India, later (1699) adopted by Sikhs as a title after their initiation ceremony, also a surname adopted by male Sikhs; 1620s in English, from Hindi Singh, from Sanskrit simhah "lion."
Singh is a title, middle name or surname, which originated in India. Derived from the Sanskrit word for lion, it was adopted as a title by certain warrior castes in India. It was later adopted by several castes and communities, including the Sikhs, whose Guru Gobind Singh mandated it for all the baptized males. As a surname or a middle name, it is now found throughout the Indian subcontinent and among the Indian diaspora, cutting across communities and religious groups.
Usage examples of "singh".
Jon Becken, a blond kid in his twenties, and the two engineer-trained commandos Sue Webster and Bulwant Singh Chahal.
The infosphere representation of Bhai Banda Singh, secretary-general of the Interstellar Commerce Union, was impeccably tailored and dignified in bearing.
Bala Bhat, was wounded in the battle, and it is said that his general of cavalry, Teeka Singh, had his elephant killed under him.
Singh had telephoned the Commissioner in Jamshedpur, who would telegraph the provincial constable in Durgalapur.
Narayan Singh and Chullunder Ghose could get by as Kashmiri merchants, who are allowed in Tibet.
He waved to Lakhmid Singh and Reeney Cue as he cruised for a parking place.
I already knew that, because Strobe Talbott had been working with Foreign Minister Jaswant Singh and others for months on nonproliferation issues.
Govind, who bestowed on himself and his followers the title of Singh, or lion-hearted, hitherto an epithet appropriated in this connection by the Rajpoot nobility, devoted the strong energies of his vigourous and daring nature to the purpose of establishing the faith of Nanuk by force of arms.
Maharaj Sawan Singh Ji, to an American disciple, during the early years of this century.
Narayan Singh, begging a ride on a government mule-wagon, had gone forward into Srinagar to see about our lodgings for the night and there was nobody near our truck except the Parsee doctor and myself.
Two officers, the subadar major, by name Mangol Singh, and three or four Sepoys ran forward from the second knoll, to help in carrying the wounded off.
At the Sick Horse Depot Connor had, without good cause, made some disparaging remarks upon the charger ridden by Subadar Goordit Singh at the fight at Dihilbat Hill, which towers over the village of Hashin.
It was well for Graham, Hunter, McNeill, and their brigades that William Connor and the Berkshires and the Subadar Goordit Singh had no idle time in which to sear their difficulties, for, before another khamsin gorged the day with cutting dust, every department of the Service, from the Commissariat to the Balloon Detachment, was filling marching orders.
It had sufficed, however, to give him a cue to chaff the man who had knocked the wind out of Subadar Goordit Singh, and who must pay for it one hour or another in due course, as Coolin and the Berkshires knew full well.
William Connor was as light of heart at Tofrik as at Suakim, and he saw with pleasure two sights--the enemy in the distance and the 15th Sikhs on their right flank, with Subadar Goordit Singh in view.