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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Sincere \Sin*cere"\, a. [Compar. Sincerer; superl. Sincerest.] [L. sincerus, of uncertain origin; the first part perhaps akin to sin- in singuli (see Single), and the second to cernere to separate (cf. Discern): cf. F. sinc[`e]re.]

  1. Pure; unmixed; unadulterated.

    There is no sincere acid in any animal juice.

    A joy which never was sincere till now.

  2. Whole; perfect; unhurt; uninjured. [Obs.]

    The inviolable body stood sincere.

  3. Being in reality what it appears to be; having a character which corresponds with the appearance; not falsely assumed; genuine; true; real; as, a sincere desire for knowledge; a sincere contempt for meanness.

    A sincere intention of pleasing God in all our actions.

  4. Honest; free from hypocrisy or dissimulation; as, a sincere friend; a sincere person.

    The more sincere you are, the better it will fare with you at the great day of account.

    Syn: Honest; unfeigned; unvarnished; real; true; unaffected; inartificial; frank; upright. See Hearty.


a. (en-superlative of: sincere)

Usage examples of "sincerest".

At the same time she gave me her sincerest thanks, and said that her niece was very fortunate to have pleased me so well.

I have devoted most of my life to the law, and so it comes about that my sincerest hope in this situation is to be of help to this body in framing and adopting a constitution for the planet of Zarathustra.

Her arms encircled her friend, and her bright head bowed in the sincerest prayers of her life.

So now my wife and I will withdraw and leave Your Excellencies to rest, assuring Your Excellencies that our sincerest hope is for your rapid recovery.

How could it be that in the morning, on my knees at my bedside, or at night before lighted candles, I could pledge myself to goodness and the light, could appeal to God and renounce all sin forever and ever -- only to commit, perhaps but a few hours later, the most wretched betrayals of this same solemn oath and sincerest resolution, if only by chiming in with tempting laughter, or by lending an ear to a stupid schoolboy joke?

There is a profound monotonousness about its facts that baffles and defeats one’s sincerest efforts to make them sparkle and enthuse.

Brytanni asked, pooching out her lips in the way her drama coach had taught her to indicate Sincerest Sympathy.