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n. (plural of simulator English)

Usage examples of "simulators".

The simulator chief, Dracula, instructed his clever photographers and lighting experts to make television shots of the area as the astronauts would see it from their spacecraft, and these he fitted into he cameras of his landing simulators, encouraging the men to fly mission after mission into this arid rocky area.

At a signal, they would jump into the simulators and feed in data which would place them in a jeopardy imitating the one aloft.

He wrote his wife: “I’m spending so much of my life in simulators at Allied Aviation, I won’t know what real living is when I see it.

In addition to their weapons and simulators, they carried light packs with little more than two days of rations.

It opened fire with its simulators, peppering the side of the tor with random fire until its infras could pick out and zero in on the "enemy.

Vanden Hoyt oversaw their distribution to the 257th's company officers, made sure the shift sergeants understood that the simulators made a crack like the discharge of a blaster when fired, and a humanlike scream when they registered a hit on the wearer.

He brought a few simulators back to the reviewing stand to show to Commander Vankler and his staff, to explain their workings to them.

Lastly, he wandered through the ranks of the battalion to make sure everyone was wearing the detectors right and had the shot simulators properly fixed into the battery wells, from which the firing batteries had been removed, and onto the muzzles of their weapons.

Troopers throughout the battalion formation jumped in surprise and looked about—mostly those near the men whose simulators screamed.

Several more simulators screamed by the time von Holfmann adjusted his men's fire.

Yet more simulators screamed as the battalion continued its methodical advance across the open field.

Crackles so close together they blended into a screech came from two points somewhere in the vicinity of the small airfield opposite the reviewing stand, and were answered by a cacophony of screaming simulators in the battalion's rapidly thinning ranks.

More and more of his men dropped as their simulators shrilled that they were hit.

The troopers, rattled by the sound of fire from two directions, and dazed and confused by the piercing screams of the simulators, shouted screams of their own and looked about madly, unable to see who was shooting at them.

After a few seconds one man, totally unnerved by the shrilling of so many simulators, threw down his blaster and ran, screaming.