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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
simulated leather
▪ It was one of those horrible simulated-leather 'executive' chairs.
▪ Models of the bridge have been tested under simulated earthquake conditions.
▪ The movie's simulated tropical storm used up huge quantities of water.
▪ A simulated road course, the Campbell Course, was added in 1937 and ran in an anti-clockwise direction.
▪ Before calculation of the explained variance, both simulated and observed temperatures have been adjusted to have the same 1861-1900 mean.
▪ Each of the documents was processed by the confusion program to produce simulated recognition output.
▪ The next step up is real cars in a simulated situation ... preferably off-road in a real car.
▪ They are the specialists who are disenchanted with the simulated thrills of performing circus routines.
▪ This feature can be used to provide simulated inertia and momentum.
▪ Trainees could carry out office work for small simulated companies.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Simulate \Sim"u*late\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Simulated; p. pr. & vb. n. Simulating.] To assume the mere appearance of, without the reality; to assume the signs or indications of, falsely; to counterfeit; to feign.

The Puritans, even in the depths of the dungeons to which she had sent them, prayed, and with no simulated fervor, that she might be kept from the dagger of the assassin.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1620s, "feigned," past participle adjective from simulate (v.). Meaning "imitative for purposes of experiment or training" is from 1966 (agent noun simulator in the related sense dates from 1947; also see simulation). In commercial jargon, "artificial, imitation" by 1942.

  1. made to imitate something else; artificial v

  2. (en-past of: simulate)

  1. adj. not genuine or real; being an imitation of the genuine article; "it isn't fake anything; it's real synthetic fur"; "faux pearls"; "false teeth"; "decorated with imitation palm leaves"; "a purse of simulated alligator hide" [syn: fake, false, faux, imitation]

  2. reproduced or made to resemble; imitative in character; "under simulated combat conditions"


Usage examples of "simulated".

The lesions simulated are usually inflammatory in character, such as erythema, vesicular and bullous eruptions, and ulceration of the skin.

By now, I thought I had detected more genuine than simulated modesty in her reactions, and I had no doubt that the emotional excitement of the moment had begun to carry this secretly eager masochist into an actual involvement with her role, one that far transcended the feigned pretense which she had thus far conveyed.

This is left over from the very old days of the Metaverse, before the Monorail existed, when the only way to get around was to walk or to write a piece of ware that simulated a vehicle.

He simulated envious admiration of known heroes, who meant business, and scorned any of the weak stuff under brandy, and went at it till the bottles were the first to give in.

And when the Tennessee captain sped his F-104 down the runway and high into the clouds, he made a sweeping turn, straightened up, and came roaring down at the simulated carrier at whose stern Claggett waited with two paddles to represent a landing officer.

They could find themselves doing esthetic figures while parachuting from a simulated airplane tower, or playing a concert on a theremin, or doing sculpture by means of selective detonations of incendiary plastic.

Eventually, with simulated reluctance, he opened the holdall, quickly wound the unexposed film to an end and emptied the camera.

It had been inside the HyperCray that Sergei Iyevenski and his team of bioorganic chemists simulated the process of growing a perfect molecular lattice prior to spending precious investment dollars running hybrid disks through the helifurnaces in the process area.

For he and Jeannie, he selected eggs again, the last of his natural orange juice, the standard butterbread, and four strips of simulated bacon made from his own hambeans.

I visualized the fantasies of contented paedophiliacs, hiring the deformed bodies of children injured in crashes, assuaging and irrigating their wounds with their own scarred genital organs, of elderly pederasts easing their tongues into the simulated anuses of colostomized juveniles.

Immediately, instabilities arose among the simulated cores, insoluble disagreements throwing them into deadlock.

Instead of leveling off or repeating in cycles, the simulated population unexpectedly boomed and crashed erratically from one generation to the next, even though there was nothing random in the model itself.

Alley test range, a five-acre simulated town of pop-up targets, seemed to Fagin like not much more than a parlor trick.

There was one complication which Nelly Lebrun might have foreseen after her pretended change of heart and her simulated confession to Joe Rix that she still loved the lionlike Lord Nick.

After a simulated earthquake of nine on the Richter scale, Mojave Center has survived intact but has come to rest at a severe angle.