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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Simple-minded \Sim"ple-mind`ed\, a. Artless; guileless; simple-hearted; undesigning; unsuspecting; devoid of duplicity.
--Blackstone. -- Sim"ple-mind`ed*ness, n.


n. The property of being simple-minded.

Usage examples of "simple-mindedness".

This apparent simple-mindedness lasted all the time it took the general to learn the strength and weakness of Les Aigues, to master the details of its revenues and the manner of collecting them, and to ascertain how and where the robberies occurred, together with the betterments and economies which ought to be undertaken.

Next I enlarged upon the divers failings of New Tammany College, past and present, as revealed to me by Max and partially confirmed by my own reading and observation: its oppression of Frumentians, its lawless Informationalism, its staggering wastefulness, its pillage of natural resource and despoil of natural beauty, its hostility to learning and refinement, its apotheosis of the lowest percentile, its vulgarity, inflated self-esteem, self-righteousness, self-deception, sentimentality, hypocrisy, artificiality, simple-mindedness, naï.