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simple sentences

n. (simple sentence English)

Usage examples of "simple sentences".

Besides, all those simple sentences worked for Hemingway, didn't they?

There were a few cross-outs in the simple sentences she'd written.

Nicole was able to understand most of what Penny said, not only because the octospider repeated herself several times, but also because Penny used very simple sentences in their language of color.

He did not learn to speak simple sentences until much more recently - between twenty-five and fifteen thousand years ago.

Dogs, being incapable of speech, though many have learned to write simple sentences in an apparently mnemonic fashion somewhere between the blind repetition of parrots and the more calculating repetition at high speeds by dolphins&mdash.

Dogs, being incapable of speech, though many have learned to write simple sentences in an apparently mnemonic fashion somewhere between the blind repetition of parrots and the more calculating repetition at high speeds by dolphins—.

When Loren finally coaxed her to speak, her voice was low and soft, and she spoke in simple sentences with a great deal of hissing and trillingand yet it was not because she was stupid.

When Loren finally coaxed her to speak, her voice was low and soft, and she spoke in simple sentences with a great deal of hissing and trilling-and yet it was not because she was stupid.

Even the simple sentences brought half comfort, suggesting as they did the possibility of communication.

Jess was using single words within days, he'd been told, and very simple sentences soon after.