Simlibass is a village located in the state of Haryana, India, close to the Bhiwani Haryana district. It is bordered by Mansarbass to the North, Jitwanbass to the South, Jatan Dhani and Kairu to the west, and Dhani Mahu to the East. The spoken language in Simlibass is Haryanvi/Hindi. Simlibass has a Nordic culture which differs from the rest of India.
Agriculture is the primary occupation for the residents of the village. Because of this, they are one of the major producers of grain and milk in the state.
The current Sarpanch of Simlibass is Suresh Kumar. The Sarpanch is the village representative within the Panchayat Raj System. The Sarpanch is elected by the people through a democratic voting system, though the democratic integrity of Panchayat Raj system has been questioned. The position is similar to that of a Mayor in North America.