Crossword clues for similarly
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
The Collaborative International Dictionary
Similarly \Sim"i*lar*ly\, adv. In a similar manner.
adv. (context manner English) In a like style or manner.
adv. in like or similar manner; "He was similarly affected"; "some people have little power to do good, and have likewise little strength to resist evil"- Samuel Johnson [syn: likewise]
Usage examples of "similarly".
From her own experience, she has become aware that there are many women like herself who leave the Family and fall into similarly controlling and abusive situations, which tend to perpetuate the experiences that they had while in the cult.
Similarly, the Iraqis have always had abysmal maintenance practices, and an operational readiness rate of 65 percent is the norm in many combat units.
Similarly, if your compartment is being accelerated upward you will feel the force of the floor on your feet.
Had Aikido or Kung-fu been similarly restricted, with penalties given for injury to the opponent, this tournament might have had a very different complexion.
The term is therefore a generic one, comprising all those faculties of mind which are concerned in conscious and adaptive action, antecedent to individual experience, without necessary knowledge of the relation between means employed and ends attained, but similarly performed under similar and frequently recurring circumstances by all the individuals of the same species.
No, he was no more about to risk handling an artefact holding a similarly imprisoned mind than I was.
The Questors were similarly allotted, Monsieur Baze to the Sieur Primorin, and General Leflo to Sieur Bertoglio.
Across the way, Tagwen was looking similarly disoriented, staring blankly into space from his hammock, eyes bleary and unfocused.
Similarly, if an ounce of the bruised root is boiled in three half-pints of water, down to a pint, a teacupful of this may be given every three or four hours.
Similarly common bawds and bulkers are put to death, and not allowed to company with men.
Similarly, the now purple bruises left on her breastflesh by Duke were somehow complemented by the cupless lilac basque that was hooked tightly beneath them.
The corresponding cyma was of the same material and similarly decorated.
Similarly, the two amino acid chains, each holding half a cystine molecule, are held together by the S-S combination of the cystine.
And when a young Haitian-born lawyer was nominated to the same Bayfront Trust, Dawkins similarly questioned the color of his skin.
They are, in effect, suggesting that the United States is already deterred by the weak arsenal of weapons of mass destruction Saddam already possesses and his similarly weak terrorist capabilities, hi other words, a policy of deterrence toward Iraq not only is based on the belief that Saddam can be deterred but starts from the assumption that the United States already is.