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n. (plural of simian English)

Simians (Chinese poetry)

Simians of various sorts (including the monkey, gibbon, and other primates of real or mythological nature) are an important motif in Chinese poetry. Examples of simian imagery have an important place in Chinese poetry ranging from the Chu Ci poets through poets such as Li Bai, Wang Wei, Du Fu, and more. Various poetic concepts could be communicated by the inclusion of simian imagery in a poem, and the use of simian allusions can help provide key insights into the poems.

Usage examples of "simians".

He did not think that the simians could go ninety miles an hour on level flight, Jenny’s maximum velocity at this altitude with this load.

The hawks were three lines deep in the van, and the simians were four lines deep.

Iizarnhanduz (Iron-handed) jabbed a finger at the simians on the field.

With their bright, pinkish-red, hairless faces and long white fur, the dog-sized simians resembled nothing so much as a trio of downsized yetis.

The Ciudad Simiano located within the Reserva La Amistad had been created back in the '50s to provide a home for those simians who had been the subject or the offspring of now-banned research in genetic manipulation designed to enhance their intelligence.

Some of the data the base sent me on brain-damaged simians suggested that some kinds of damage did something to the parts of the brain that make you compensate for, for things that you know should be there, but aren't.

Some of the data the base sent me on brain-damaged simians sug gested thatsome kinds of damage did something to the parts of the brain that make you compensate for — for things that you know should be there, but aren't.

Best results, predictably, came from experiments with simians and cetaceans.

The Groombridge Effect in Simians: Some Preliminary Observations (Staupe, Theodore.