a. Of, pertaining to, or obtained by silviculture
Usage examples of "silvicultural".
I should perhaps explain that my knowledge and interest in trees is a very personal one, for in the last quarter of a century Dorothy and I have planted a great number of Canadian trees in Wales where the silvicultural conditions are as good, if not better, than most of the areas of the Canadian west coast where they grow naturally.
Arinnian remembered that Vodan, in partnership with various youths from Stormgate, Many Thermals, and The Tarns, had launched a silvicultural engineering firm.
Fortunately, however, commercial and silvicultural considerations accidentally coincide so nearly under average yellow pine conditions as to make certain rough rules which can be laid down entirely consistent with logging methods now in practice.
There are many technicalities, both mathematical and silvicultural, and unfortunately most of the available figures for the Northwest, obtained by the Forest Service, have not been generalized enough for wide popular value.