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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Silver-gray \Sil"ver-gray`\, a. Having a gray color with a silvery luster; as, silver-gray hair.

Usage examples of "silver-gray".

In the midst of the colored haze, the prefab buildings, protruding from their russet soil berms, were silver-gray cardboard outlines.

It passed Celia and her driver in a blur of silver-gray, went through the parking slot assigned to Sam, and without stopping smashed into the wall directly ahead.

He threw back the hood, and his silver-gray hair completed the perfect yacht clubber image.

The second stage was a squat cylinder atop the MS-IC, bone white, with the silver-gray gumdrop shape of an unmanned boilerplate Apollo capsule at the top.

The dust wasn't the charcoal black of Cruithne, but a bluish silver-gray.

A mass of land coral rose to the left, its red and blue the more vivid against the sky's eternal silver-gray.

A meeting on the Left Bank as the silver-gray Parisian sky was turning to rose, and the Eiffel Tower became a web of diamond light.

A large, silver-gray wolf was ghosting along just at the edge of the trees, his pace exactly matching theirs.

He reached out and stripped the fur from the silver-gray sage beside the road, and when his fingers were sticky with the sap he smelled the sharp penetrating odor on his fingers, breathed it deep into his lungs.

The eyes in the pale-skinned face had been flat and dead and empty of all emotion, like chips of silver-gray stone.

Tall and thin, storklike, with a waist-length fall of curly silver-gray hair, huge gray eyes, a nose as prominent as Lady Cinnabar's and a lantern jaw kept scrupulously clean-shaven, he did not look like the finest of Adept-class mages.

He was just floating, with a plastic can of Coke in one hand and a silver-gray lithium hydroxide canister in the other.

Robespierre, a scented, rhinestone-collared, silver-gray miniature poodle, bounced and yapped.

Her high-waisted, silver-gray morning gown with its crisp ruff and full sleeves was obviously the work of an expensive French modiste.

Less than a dozen meters away, the first circle of razor-wire-topped hurricane fence began, curving in broad scallops through silver-gray mulga scrub and spiky spinifex.