Silvani is a surname of Italian origin. There are approximately 1516 people with the surname in Italy, the largest number in Emilia Romagna, in Bagno di Romagna, Sarsina, Bologna, and Pieve Santo Stefano, near Arezzo, Tuscany. A considerable number is found in Milan . There are approximately 300 Silvani in France, 350 in USA and 24 in the UK. The surname derives from SILVA, FOREST, and could have been used by the Romans to refer to their slaves that had Transylvanian origin(Romania/Hungary) The name refers to:
- Al Silvani (1910–1996), American boxing trainer, actor, and stunt man
- Aldo Silvani (1891–1964), Italian film actor
- Gherardo Silvani (1579–1675), Florentine architect and sculptor of the Baroque era who built Villa di Uligliano also in Tuscany,
- Pier Francesco Silvani (1620–1685), Florentine architect of the Baroque era
Walter Silvani (11 May 1971) Argentinian Football Player
Fictional characters- Marco Silvani, character on Australian soap opera Neighbours
Signorina Silvani and accountant Ugo Fantozzi, a fictional character Written by Paolo Villaggio for the Italian Television