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Silokhra is village located in the district of Gurgaon in the state of Haryana, India. It has a population of about 7715 persons living in around 1831 households. Silokhra village is dominated by Pandit Moti Ram family Brahman community, who are its original inhabitants. Now, majority of the residents are Bharman,Yadav,and saini. Silokhra is near the HUDA City Metro Station. The village comes under ward number 29 Municipal Corporation Gurgaon (MCG).Total area of the village is 28 acre out of which 21 acre is belong to Pandit Badlu Ram s/o Pandit Moti Ram Namberdar Family build up as commercial and residential area popularly.

It lies near sector 30 on main National Highway 8 of Gurgaon.

Google Gurgaon is in Silokhera.