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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Silkiness \Silk"i*ness\, n.

  1. The quality or state of being silky or silken; softness and smoothness.

  2. Fig.: Effeminacy; weakness. [R.]
    --B. Jonson.


n. The property of being silky.


n. the smooth feel of silk fabric [syn: sleekness]

Usage examples of "silkiness".

The silkiness of melting chocolate on his tongue reminds him of the music of Angelo Badalamenti, and the music of Badalamenti brings to mind the waxy surface of a scarlet anthurium, and the anthurium sparks an intensely sensual recollection of the cool taste and crispness of cornichons, which for several seconds completely overwhelms the actual taste of the chocolate.

The silkiness of melting chocolate on his tongue reminds him of the music of Angelo Badalamenti, and the music of Badalamenti brings to mind the waxy surface of a scarlet anthurium, and the anthurium sparks an intensely sensual recollection of the cool taste and crispness of cornichons, which for several seconds completely overwhelms the actual taste of the chocolate.

How could he recall the soft feel of her so, the silkiness of her skin?

He lingered over her, drunk with the scent of her warm, aroused body, the silkiness of her skin.

His fingers and palm luxuriated in the warm silkiness of her skin, tantalized by the knowledge that even richer tactile pleasures waited both above and below where his hand now rested.

He sighed as his fingers gently kneaded her breast, savoring the silkiness of her skin, the pebbling of her nipple.

When he looked at her now, he didn't see the urchin with the unruly tongue, the awkward teenager, He looked at her and thought of the slender body beneath the silk dress, the texture of her skin that rivaled the dress in luxurious silkiness, the way her nipples had peaked at his slightest touch during those long hours in the motel in Nogales.