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n. 1 (plural of silkie English) 2 (plural of silky English)


Silkies are female spirits purported to live on the English-Scottish Border.

Usage examples of "silkies".

But in the uneasy peace that reigned among the ordinary humans, the Special People, and the two surviving classes of Silkies, one of the nightmares was that a high-ability V would show up someday in the unstable world of Variants.

From time to time, Silkies who boarded the V ships learned that some promising boy had been executed by the V's themselves.

They could be humans for brief periods, and they could be Silkies for periods that varied with these particular persons from a few hours to a week or so.

But it was a myth that Silkies and their closest human allies, the Special People, had found it worthwhile to foster.

Hastily, Cemp expelled the more seriously damaged cells, with that special ability Silkies had of eliminating damaged parts of their bodies.

Because the first transformations were to the fish stage, the new beings were called Silkies, after an old song.

They used this to establish administrative ascendancy while there were still only a few Silkies, and thus they protected themselves and the human race from beings who would otherwise have overwhelmed them.

He said, 'Perhaps I should inform you that we Kibmadine have achieved a total control of all the forces that Silkies control only partially.

Hour on hour and year by year, Silkies lived with that ceaseless 'noise,' and most of their early 'training was entirely directed to the development of selective sleep and rest and wakefulness mechanisms for each receptor.

They tended to accept that Silkies were much more capable than they really were.

But there was no chance at all of enough Silkies being produced in time to save the system from being conquered.

As one, a dozen Silkies loaded an electric charge on that line, all they believed that it could carry.

Ahead were a blue sea and the great underwater shelf where a colony of class-B Silkies lived their fishlike existence.

In his struggle with the Kibmadine the year before, he had learned things about body control that were known to no other Silkie, since it had been decided by the Silkie Authority that he must not communicate to other Silkies the newly gained abilities.

And so until we have proof of some thing different, I shall go on believing that Silkies are the result of biological experiments' with DNA and DNP and that old Sawyer did it there on Echo Island.