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silent films

n. (silent film English)

Usage examples of "silent films".

Armand lay sprawled in a huge black velvet wing chair gazing at the television, Ganymede in white pants and white silk shirt, I watching the news, the movies, the tapes he'd made of himself reading poetry, the idiot sitcoms, the dramas, the musicals, the silent films.

That same year, Cinecon, a national film organization dedicated to old and silent films, gave its annual film achievement award to Leni Riefenstahl, the Nazi filmmaker most famous for her 1934 film celebrating Hitler, The Triumph of the Will.

Movies started as silent films, so to convey emotions the actors overacted, and someone played a piano along with each reel.

Here Mrs Merry's bosom heaved as no bosom has heaved since the heyday of the silent films.

The life of man in the comedies of the silent films was solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short.

Roxanna's English wasn't up to understanding the verbal byplay of most comedies, so I found a pair of old silent films, Harold Lloyd's His Royal Slyness and then his Haunted Spooks.

He knew what the music would sound like for this odious man: the saccharine violins that they always played in the silent films when the evil banker foreclosed on the house and flung the family out into the snow to freeze.

It reminded me of a movie, one of those old silent films of Harold Lloyd, or Chaplin, or somebody, caught in a hilarious, impossible position on top of a skyscraper, dangling by his toes.