vb. (en-pastsign on)
Usage examples of "signed on".
The agreement, one of the most fateful in history, had been signed on February 6, 1778, or before Adams had even left home.
It states that overseas absentee ballots can only be counted if they were cast and signed on or before election day, and mailed and postmarked from another country by election day.
He had signed on to the Tsubasa to escape the endless gloom of Sha'angh'sei's narrow crooked streets, its double-dealing, lice-ridden merchants, its evil-eyed provocateurs, its sleazy arms dealers.
Some skulker from the port who had signed on for fear of the law—.
Some skulker from the port who had signed on for fear of the lawor because he had chanced to cross a powerful Veep of the underworld.
The other was gervaase, the only one who ever signed on here and, after he was patched up, the poor fellow had the sense to resign.
There must have been some sort of plot between this magician and the woman, because Corwin signed on with the expedition as an assistant cook and went along too.
The other was gervaa'se, the only one who ever signed on here and, after he was patched up, the poor fellow had the sense to resign.
The commerce was the result of a treaty Perry Rhodan had signed on his trip to Ferrol with the government of the Thort.
From hints accumulated over the years, it has become my firm conviction that in his youth, before he signed on, he swore a great oath never to speak.
Oh yes, and this one's signed on behalf of Struan's Research Committee 16, by a certain A.
Peale, a new star in the Philadelphia firmament, young, gifted, gregarious, was also a wholehearted patriot who only days earlier had signed on as a common soldier in a company of local militia.