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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ According to the Svalbard treaty, the signatories retain the right to exploit any minerals.
▪ Currently there are 39 signatories, of whom 25 have scientific research programmes on the continent.
▪ It is best practice for the accountant to discuss with the band who should be the cheque signatories on this account.
▪ Other nations, which are not signatories to the treaty, are understood to be developing nuclear weapons.
▪ The initial draft had stipulated that mining could begin only if all signatories agreed.
▪ There is also the danger that small, local agreements spin out of control as trade imbalances grow among their signatories.
▪ This would be in the artist's name, with the manager as the sole signatory.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Signatory \Sig"na*to*ry\, a. [L. signatorius.]

  1. Relating to a seal; used in sealing. [Obs.]

  2. Signing; joining or sharing in a signature; as, signatory powers.


Signatory \Sig"na*to*ry\, n.; pl. -ries. A signer; one who signs or subscribes; as, a conference of signatories.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1640s, "used in sealing," from Latin signatorius "of sealing," from signatus, past participle of signare "to sign" (see sign (v.)). Noun sense of "one who signs" (a treaty, etc.) first recorded 1866.


a. 1 Relating to a seal; used in sealing. 2 Signing; joining or sharing in a signature. n. One who signs or has signed something.


n. someone who signs and is bound by a document [syn: signer]

Usage examples of "signatory".

Honoured Signatory Sir: Since my name will hardly have penetrated through the hierarchies and light years which divide us, permit me to introduce myself.

As the Signatory made his long journey, stage by stage towards Earth, the various factions on that planet prepared to receive him, each in its different way.

Starjjans have been equipped with strong enough weapons to ensure that although their eventual defeat is inevitable, it will be protracted enough to give our visiting signatory and his boys the impression that a first-class civil war is raging here.

The Signatory must take back with him some simple, tangible, dramatic piece of evidence to show conclusively that Par-Chavorlem is overstepping his powers here.

Afterwards, of course, you must answer straightly any questions the Signatory may ask you.

Accordingly, the escorts bundled into a worn Army truck, while Par-Chavorlem led the Signatory and Gazer Roifullery to a road-flier of the type generally used for freight duties.

Gary Towler, that the Signatory who is visiting us has come on a tour of inspection determined to prove that there is widespread corruption under my command.

You are going to be personally attached to the Signatory for the duration of his stay.

Towler, primed by Terekomy and looking meeker than he felt, was brought before Synvoret and his retinue, the Signatory was preoccupied with the details of the Ashkar raid.

The Signatory and I wish to go out overland to see for ourselves what is happening there.

Towler, as ignorant as the Signatory about what was really happening, felt his heart go out to these people.

Since the Signatory had been provided with false premisses, how could it matter what conclusion he came to?

Collecting Raggball, the bodyguard, they went together unobserved, leaving the palace by a side gate as the Signatory had done before.

Their welcome was courteous and sincere, their attention to the Signatory hospitable and gentle.

But it would be harder now than ever to find an opportunity for presenting it to the visiting Signatory Synvoret.