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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Sift \Sift\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Sifted; p. pr. & vb. n. Sifting.] [AS. siftan, from sife sieve. [root]151a. See Sieve.]

  1. To separate with a sieve, as the fine part of a substance from the coarse; as, to sift meal or flour; to sift powder; to sift sand or lime.

  2. To separate or part as if with a sieve.

    When yellow sands are sifted from below, The glittering billows give a golden show.

  3. To examine critically or minutely; to scrutinize.

    Sifting the very utmost sentence and syllable.

    Opportunity I here have had To try thee, sift thee.

    Let him but narrowly sift his ideas.
    --I. Taylor.

    To sift out, to search out with care, as if by sifting.

  1. Having been sifted. v

  2. (en-past of: sift)

Usage examples of "sifted".

Let this come to a boil, add one half ounce of sifted bread crumbs and twenty-five or thirty whole cooked and shelled chestnuts and mix all well together, being careful not to break the chestnuts.

Cut the grains from the cobs and place in a bowl, season with salt and pepper, add one-fourth pound of sifted flour, two eggs and a half pint of cold milk.

Mix thoroughly and roll into cork-shaped pieces and dip into the beaten yolks of eggs, rolling in sifted breadcrumbs.

Mix in one quart of sifted bread flour, one-quarter cup of sugar, a saltspoon of salt and one-half yeast cake dissolved in one-half cup of lukewarm water.

Chop the corn fine and add the flour, sifted with the baking powder, salt and cayenne.

When creamy add a cupful of milk, alternating with three and one-half cupfuls pastry flour that has been mixed and sifted with two teaspoonfuls of baking powder.

Cream the butter, add the sugar gradually, beating steadily, then the milk and flavoring, next the flour sifted with the baking powder, and lastly the stiffly beaten whites folded in at the last.

Cream the sugar and butter, add milk, flour and cornstarch into which the baking powder has been thoroughly sifted, stir in the whites of eggs quickly with the flavoring.

Add two beaten eggs, one-half cup of milk, two cups of flour in which two-thirds teaspoon of soda has been sifted and when well beaten add the cool chocolate mixture.

Add two beaten eggs, one-half cup of milk, two cups of flour in which two-thirds teaspoon of soda has been sifted, and when well beaten add the cool chocolate mixture.

Beat the yolks of five eggs light, add to the butter and sugar, with one cup of milk and three cups of flour in which four level teaspoons of baking powder have been sifted, the stiffly beaten whites of five eggs and two teaspoons of vanilla flavoring and two squares of chocolate melted.

Now beat hard, then mix in one-half cup of milk alternately with one and one-half cups of flour sifted twice with two level teaspoons of baking powder.

Add one cup of milk with two cups of flour and three-quarters cup of cornstarch sifted twice with five level teaspoons of baking powder.

Cream the butter, add the sugar, then the eggs well beaten, then the flour, baking powder and cinnamon, sifted together, and the milk.

Cream one-half cup of milk and one cup of butter and one cup of sugar, add one-half cup of milk and two cups of flour sifted twice with three level teaspoons of baking-powder.