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sidewalk cafe

n. an outdoor portion of a restaurant, coffeehouse or cafe; pavement cafe; patio.

SideWalk Cafe

The SideWalk Cafe is a music venue and restaurant/cafe in East Village, New York City founded in 1985. It has become a known venue for its underground music scene, and in particular, is known as being the center for Anti-folk in the United States. It offers an eclectic mix of local and national acts ranging from DIY, avant garde music, indie rock, and jazz to pop music and electronic music. The venue also plays host to poetry readings, comedy and live-band karaoke. The New York Times referred to the SideWalk Cafe and its music scene as a "gift to the neighborhood".

A number of well-known acts performed at the Sidewalk at the beginning of their career including Regina Spektor, Lana Del Rey, Hamell on Trial, Lach, The Moldy Peaches. The Sidewalk Cafe is also home to an open mic night that is one of the oldest and largest traditional open mics in the city, garnering the name "the king of NYC open-mic nights." The open mic was originally founded by Lach but is currently being run by Somer Bingham. It also hosts the bi-annual New York Antifolk Festival, which features the largest gathering of anti-folk musicians in the nation.

The Sidewalk Cafe is also associated with a number of indie labels including Kale Records, Olive Juice Music (started by Major Matt Mason USA, though now defunct) and Weemayk Music.

Artists that perform regularly at the Sidewalk Cafe include: Elastic No-No Band, Dots Will Echo and Schwervon!.

Usage examples of "sidewalk cafe".

Across from her in a sidewalk cafe a man was playing a wheezy bandoneon, a bald man with a white mustache, bags under his eyes, round cheeks, red nose.

I said to my darling wife as we sat that evening at the very same sidewalk cafe.

I walked past the arch and the sidewalk cafe into the parking space and got into my car.

We came to the service station at the coast highway and turned north to Montemar Vista and the sidewalk cafe there.

They sat at a table in an enormous sidewalk cafe, where potted flowering bushes broke up the expanse of tables and chairs, and a brass band played gay waltzes in the sunshine.

He sipped espresso at the same sidewalk cafe where they had held hands and watched the students a year earlier.