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n. 1 (plural of sideline English) The lines marking the edges. 2 The area or areas next to but outside a playing area.


The "sidelines" are the white or colored lines which mark the outer boundaries of a sports field, running parallel to each other and perpendicular to the goal lines. The sidelines are also where the coaching staff and players out of play operate during a game. The area outside the sidelines is said to be out of bounds. The term is predominantly in use in American football, Canadian football, field lacrosse and basketball. In rugby union, rugby league and association football, they are known as touch-lines. The foul line is a similar concept in baseball. Sports in which the playing surface is bounded by walls, such as ice hockey, box lacrosse, and indoor football, do not use sidelines; in these sports, coaches and reserve players are positioned in recessed benches behind the walls.

The sideline can be used metaphorically to refer to players who have been "benched," meaning that they have been taken out of the game purposefully by the coaching staff due to poor performance in the game or previous play. Establishing shots of these players may be used by televised sports programs to indicate potential roster switches, or to build a narrative of the failure or success of the coaching staff's decision. Likewise, images of the sideline may suggest that the highlighted player had done something of interest outside of the confines of play. For example, in American football, dousing the head coach with water or sports drink is a popular way of celebrating crucial victories, established as a tradition by the New York Giants of the National Football League in the mid-1980s.

The term "to be sidelined" refers to a player in a sports event who is unable to play (e.g. confined to the sideline) for injury, suspension, or other similar reasons. This term has spread into a business context; a project that has been "sidelined" is no longer a major concern or objective of the proponent company.

Usage examples of "sidelines".

We talked on other days, sort of loosely and usually about football, whenever I would show up at the practice field and pace around the sidelines with him.

Because there will only be three of them, this time -- with Rehnquist brooding darkly on the sidelines -- and in the case of a 4-4 tie, Jaworski wins.

Hayward was on the sidelines, her small frame tensed as if awaiting an opportunity to wade in.

Parents and friends stood on the sidelines shouting out words of encouragement, all the while laughing at the scene of confusion.

As abruptly as they started, Caroline was returned to the sidelines, where she struggled to catch her breath.

Custer and Sherman shook hands as the band played on, and the women and children stood on the sidelines, watching in silence.

He stood on the sidelines shouting encouragement to Sergeants Briggs and Jenkins, who headed the team, and actually danced a jig with Mrs.

Jenkins and Hutchins picked Firth up and carried him to the sidelines, where they laid him down on a grassy spot.

If I remember correctly, you and Richard were off on the sidelines sniveling.

But the Silvestri had always been a very cautious man who preferred to watch from the sidelines and work through underlings, and never, ever, get his hands dirty himself.

He knew there were those watching from the sidelines, waiting to take advantage of any perceived weaknesses in his handling of this mission.

I will withdraw to the sidelines and offer my services to whoever comes out on top.