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Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

also side-arms, 1760, from side (adj.) + plural of arm (n.2).


n. (plural of sidearm English) vb. (en-third-person singular of: sidearm)

Usage examples of "sidearms".

Alacrity were obliged to check their sidearms and leave their bodyguard behind at Bulkhead Twenty, far forward in Caveat Emptor toward the bridge and the living quarters of her owner and master, Costa.

The Treaty Controller and two strange male Hrrubans wearing sidearms awaited their arrival.

Marines in full uniform minus swords or sidearms, standing at ease and listening with respectful attention to a bag lady.

Zurzal himself wore, the sidearms which could either stun for capture or burn to a crisp an enemy.

He had opened another case and was taking out those storied off-world weapons, such as Zurzal himself wore, the sidearms which could either stun for capture or burn to a crisp an enemy.

All these military and navy people, most of 'em in CoDominium uniforms, General Owensford dressed down as a light colonel of the Legion, General Slater in Royal Sparta uniform like Admiral Forrest, and they come with petty officers and sergeants and every one of them wearing sidearms.

They had put up their instruments and were openly belting on the sidearms which were to be part of their regalia henceforward.

But chemical sidearms had been out of vogue for thousands of years, and the DDT had gone off the silver standard quite a while before.

By the time Nylan finally could let go of the stone and hasten up the steps to look over the top edges of the outer wall, he only saw the dust of departing marines, riding off behind Ryba and the redheaded force leader-and a dozen marines remaining with blades and sidearms stationed in the rocks on each side of the top of the rise.