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Siddheshwar( IPA:Sid'dhēśvar) or Siddarameswar( IPA:Sid'dha rāmēśvar)) also known as Siddhram was one among the five acharya ("saint") of the Lingayat faith (also known as Veerashaivism). Siddheshwar was a great contributor to Lingayatism religion. He was a great mystic and a Kannada poet who was a part of Basavanna's Veerashaiva revolution during the 12th century. His philosophy was one of service to mankind, the path of karmayoga. Siddarama was instrumental in saving the vachana literature from destruction.

Siddharama (c.1150) claimed to have written 68,000 vachanas out of which only 1379 are available. Along with Basavanna, Allama Prabhu, Devara Dasimayya and Channabasava, Siddharama is regarded as the most acknowledged and respected poets. Vachanakaras wrote in the genre of Veerashaivas, under Kannada literature from the mystic period. He shares the world view of other vachana poets in his rejection of blind conventions of caste and sex discrimination and emphasis on realization through personal experience. He too borrows Metaphors from diverse spheres of everyday life. Apart from vachanas,he has written several devotional works in tripadi. writing three-line verse, used from the 7th century.