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sick up

vb. to vomit

Usage examples of "sick up".

They let him roll over and sick up the salt water, doubled on Ms knees.

We get weekend drunks in here, and come Mondays when we kick them out, they've been sick up the walls and all over the place.

I crosshatched the two marks out of existence and hid my eyes against my knees again and waited for the sick up-gushing of apprehension to foam into despair over my head.

His voice did not hide his eagerness to be rid of his three passengers, two of whom did little more than sick up, as he called it, and moan all night.

However gentle she had to be With him, that much syrup would make her sick up all over again.

I did not think it would be easy for you to get sick up there, away from all the germs of Tosev 3.

His belly writhed, and he got sick, trying to lean far enough over the side to sick up onto the ground instead of the gargant's saddle.

The ringing in his ears pushed all the other sounds into the background, and he felt like he might sick up.

They were probably worried sick up on the ship, as if they hadn't had enough to worry about with the attack on Spock.