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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ Although the exterior of the Oberland is very traditional with shuttered windows festooned with flowers and the interior decor is quite modern.
▪ The cottages and rustic buildings are typically Sardinian in style with terracotta roofs, shuttered windows and high-beamed ceilings.
▪ On the western side of the house a shuttered window corresponded to the door at the end of Conchis's bedroom.
▪ I flew past barred doors and shuttered windows.
▪ At first glance the hotel closely resembled a deserted factory, with narrow, shuttered windows and peeling stucco.
▪ I opened the shuttered window to look out on a countryside blanketed in snow.
▪ And behind closed doors and shuttered windows the boys in the big rooms are celebrating.
▪ The daylight was fleeing from the wilderness that he could not see but whose emptiness beyond the shuttered windows he understood.
▪ Every window was shuttered along the street.
▪ Although the exterior of the Oberland is very traditional with shuttered windows festooned with flowers and the interior decor is quite modern.
▪ Dawn broke as the field passed through a shuttered Bridgetown, and I began to pass through the field.
▪ He propelled me off the terrace and through the shuttered dining-room.
▪ Most likely to suffer are concrete block houses built in the Twenties and Thirties and earlier buildings where shuttered concrete was employed.
▪ On the western side of the house a shuttered window corresponded to the door at the end of Conchis's bedroom.
▪ The cottages and rustic buildings are typically Sardinian in style with terracotta roofs, shuttered windows and high-beamed ceilings.
▪ The room was shuttered and smelt of oily rags and leather.
▪ There was no emotion in his shuttered expression.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Shuttered \Shut"tered\, a. Furnished with shutters.


vb. (en-past of: shutter)


adj. provided with shutters or shutters as specified; often used in combination; "a church with a shuttered belfry and spire"; "green-shuttered cottages" [ant: unshuttered]

Usage examples of "shuttered".

The narrow strips of sunlight stretched from the shuttered window across the floor, a golden ladder pointing to the chair with his tumbled clothes.

The only exit was by a narrow crevasse at one corner, dark even by daylight, leading them between more high shuttered houses.

Ahead of them was a busy Venetian street that crossed the canal by a gentle slope of bridge, a main thoroughfare all of twelve feet in width, lined with shops, above which flower boxes and shuttered windows rose to three or four tight stories.

And that compensated for the dull courtyard outside, with its tightly shuttered dead windows.

So quickly he led Ballard away from the canal and the vaulted porch, into the narrow dark alley lined with two rows of shuttered windows.

After a moment his footsteps died away and she exhaled, desperately trying to stop shaking, then resumed pacing to the shuttered windows and back to the bed and back to the window once more, pacing as she had been pacing for hours.

From the castle below the comforting, muted noise of soldiers, hooves on cobblestones, an occasional throaty laugh wafting upwards with the smoke and smells of the cooking fires through the decorative, bowman openings in the vast walls, not yet shuttered against the night chill.

Safety lay always in refusing to panic, and this time through a small, shuttered window across the barroom, well away from the burning stairs that let out onto the back alley.

He saw her gesture at the curtained and shuttered window, a finger to her lips.

He got out of his chair, not bothering to return it to its place near the shuttered window, and sauntered toward the door.

I was able to look up only momentarily at the shuttered small windows from which, as apprentices stifled by boredom, we used to stare at the trees, before I was accosted.

Two real shuttered windows, a wide desk, a wooden armchair with cushions, a full-size bed with cotton sheets and a red woolen blanket-even a rug by the bed, a washstand, a white oak wardrobe for his garments, and a bookcase against the wall beside the desk.

Cerryl stood, waiting for Myral to stop coughing, glancing toward the windows shuttered against the chill breeze and then at the older man.

His voice broke on the last words, and he turned toward the closed and shuttered window.

The only thing that moved was an orangish cat that jumped off a woodpile and into the green stalks of maize nearest the shuttered cot.